Some Pictures from Tonight with the Family

I made Special K loaf which is a vegetarian loaf that I have made for years. Priscilla had never had a loaf like that and said to her it seemed like it had meat in it.
Melanie had her doctors visit today and has gained 2 lbs now in her pregnancy. The Doctor was happy she had gained some. He talked to her about how he will no doubt induce her at around 34 weeks.
Priscilla and Steven are planning to have their baby at a birthing center with a midwife. What fun we will have with these two little ones.
Conversation tonight covered lots of ground, technology, astronomy, politics, and of course work for the men folk since they all work for one family.
I sat contentedly crocheting a baby bonnet for Mei-Ling with pretty pink crochet cotton, listening and putting my two cents in here and there. Emery sat in the rocker by the woodstove, happy as a lark to have the living room filled with youthful enthusiasm.
All that was missing were Melissa and James. But I got to chat for a long time with Melissa today as her goodie box from us arrived at her house today and she was wanting to let us know how nice it was to get a box from home. She said it even smelled like home when she opened it. Must be all those incense I burn : )
In the morning I will post picture of the baby bonnet for you to see.
Here is the recipe for the Special K loaf
Special K Loaf
1/4 Cup Butter or Margarine
1 Clove of Garlic
1 Onion
2 Stocks of Celery (Steven hates celery so I leave it out)
2 Tablespoons of an Vegetarian Stock like McKay’s Seasoning
1 Tablespoon of Soy Sauce
3 Beaten Eggs
1/4 Cup of Milk
1 Cup of Cottage Cheese
3-5 Cups of a “Flakes” Cereal - I only use Kellogg’s Special K Cereal.
1/4 Cup Pecan Meal, Ground Fine
Preheat oven to 350 F
Heat the butter or margarine in a pan
Sauté the garlic and onions until cooked
Add the celery to the pan and sauté until soft
Mix the remaining ingredients in a separate bowl
Add the sautéed vegetables to the bowl
Let the cereal get a little soggy (about 5 minutes)
Place in a generously greased baking pan.
It should be 1″-3″ deep.
Bake 1 - 1 1/2 hour(s)
Cut the loaf into 2″ x 2″ squares
Priscilla always looks so serious in pictures. Is she camera shy?
Will Priscilla and Stephen's baby be able to wear the pretty things you make?
She is a serious girl and very quiet. No, their baby will be wearing rather plain things, so I have to keep that in mind when I am making things for their baby.
Melanie is 24 weeks now and Priscilla just reached her 3rd month.
I am not sure if Steven and Priscilla will opt to find out if its a girl or a boy, its a relativly new concept to Priscilla.