Party Plans and thoughts on becoming a Grandmother

I remember so well my own first baby shower. My mother and sisters hosted it for me and what fun it was to open presents just for this tiny miracle inside me. Back 27 years ago, people still made many of their gifts for baby showers. Hand knit blankets and sweaters. Diapers with fancy stitching along the edging and soft flannel blankets hemmed with feather stitching. Those days are gone for the most part. There are a few of us out there that still love hand made things, my own daughters included, for which I am so thankful.
I felt a bit dreamy when I made out the invitations to the shower, wondering about Mei-Lings own wedding some day and her own baby shower. Wondering how my own mother felt when my girls were to be born, I know she loved them, I know she was excited, and I know she had as much fun as I am having making tiny baby things, but did she sit thinking about how fast time flies and how strange in a way it seems to see your own child, with child. And how different it feels to be expecting a grandchild. All the same kind of love as when you have your own, but different, its more like a two layer cake compared to a single layer cake. I feel love for my own child, having her child and then there is all this love for this yet to be born wee miracle. Its so beyond words. With my own daughter having a child, I know her tastes, her likes and dislikes for baby things so its easy to buy for, but with Priscilla and Stevens baby to come, I have no idea of the styles she likes or the kinds of baby things that are important to her. It makes it difficult to buy baby things. In time perhaps I will know more.
I would like to have a chat with my mother right now and compare notes, share how we feel.
I am writing a book for Mei-Ling about how I feel about her arrival. How I feel about each and every step in this great event. I'll give it to her some day, when the moment is right.
There is profound joy in life, around each and every corner.
All the party goodies
I wonder if others have experiences or ideas they'd care to share?