Glorious Morning

The two roosters are crowing loudly, in competition with each other.
Emery is busy working in the garden, turning the soil in preparation for planting today. Buds are coming on all the fruit trees, now with a tiny bit of green showing. So much to be grateful for, to be filled with joy because of all the simple beauty around me.
Good morning kisses, laughter in the kitchen while breakfast is cooking, warm and cozy heat coming from the wood stove, sunshine filtering in through the lace curtains, scattering pretty patterns on the floors, baby things here and there, filled with anticipation. Waking up feeling excited to greet a new day, hopping out of bed with childlike enthusiasm and energy. So many wonderful things in our lives. It just makes you want to embrace life so fully and completely.
Emery and I laid in bed this morning, propped up with pillows under our heads, each sharing our list of blessings, long rambling lists, which in itself is wonderful, that our lists were so long.
The bird feeders need to be filled today, the wind blew them around so much yesterday that all the seed was spilled out and scattered. The doves are happy though, plenty of food for them on the ground. The chickens will have fun with the added treats once they are let out to range.
Just another great day here on the little homestead.
Now, off to get my fingernails dirty, planting flower bulbs and potatoes.
I do feel like I need to add this bit here about what was mentioned regarding Melanie and her pregnancy weight gain for my new readers. We are thrilled she has gained any weight at all. We are thankful however that she has not gained like some ladies do as that would be harmful in so many ways.
She was so sick her first few months that its a miracle we still have her with us. She herself lost so much weight. Not able to eat much of anything and keep it down. Hospital stays were pretty regular at first with morning sickness so severe her blood sugars brought her close to death, and that is not even a slight exaggeration.
She is type 1 diabetic for many years, which means her pancreas quit working about 17 years ago. Nothing to do with our life style as one "not so educated" person suggested in a comment that I happily deleted ! That comment did provide lots of amused laughs for many people.
Her Doctor is thrilled with how well she is doing and all the tests show a perfectly healthy baby. Nothing is easy when you are a type 1 diabetic and pregnant.
This mornings sunrise
Sounds like somebody needs to learn a little something about juvenile diabetes. I highly doubt this commenter visited your home around the time Melanie was diagnosed THE WAY I DID. I can personally vouch tht she had a perfectly healthy lifestyle!!!