One of Lifes Little Truths

When I was a child, before going to school, I knew the world was full of possibilities.
When I was in high school, I played my first game of softball. It looked like something fun but I struck out my first time up. It sorta burst my bubble about being able to do just about anything I wanted. I never played the game again. Not because I was a sore looser, but because I felt I failed. Not a feeling I did well with in my youth and into much of my adulthood. My response to this event was to say the game was "stupid" and for people who had nothing better to do, that sort of stuff. By making it seem worthless, well it made me feel less bad about my striking out. It was a child like way to deal with the situation.
I suspect that as adults we sorta play that same sort of game with things we don't have the strength to do or the knowledge etc. Not long ago someone was knocking this "homestead" sort of life, saying its stupid and has no point. I got the feeling they were saying all that just like I talked about softball. I can think of lots of situations when we talk like that about things we feel we can't do. I may just get brave this summer and play some softball because I just gave up way too easy way back then. I might be good at it after a bit of practice. Often times we hide behind words and thoughts about things being a waste of time etc because we can't do it physically, mentally or perhaps we just feel sure we would fail at it. Of course there are plenty of things we just don't like or we think is a waste of time and I can think of plenty that fits into that category. But what I am talking about is saying something other than what is really the issue. I never had the gumption as a kid to say. Man, I stink at this game but I will play anyway so I can get better. Nope, it was easier to not admit the real issue. I was not a born softball player !
Now I am just going to say, "I want to be good at Softball, play the game and thats that".
Practice this law of attraction thing even down to the small things in life.
When I was in high school, I played my first game of softball. It looked like something fun but I struck out my first time up. It sorta burst my bubble about being able to do just about anything I wanted. I never played the game again. Not because I was a sore looser, but because I felt I failed. Not a feeling I did well with in my youth and into much of my adulthood. My response to this event was to say the game was "stupid" and for people who had nothing better to do, that sort of stuff. By making it seem worthless, well it made me feel less bad about my striking out. It was a child like way to deal with the situation.
I suspect that as adults we sorta play that same sort of game with things we don't have the strength to do or the knowledge etc. Not long ago someone was knocking this "homestead" sort of life, saying its stupid and has no point. I got the feeling they were saying all that just like I talked about softball. I can think of lots of situations when we talk like that about things we feel we can't do. I may just get brave this summer and play some softball because I just gave up way too easy way back then. I might be good at it after a bit of practice. Often times we hide behind words and thoughts about things being a waste of time etc because we can't do it physically, mentally or perhaps we just feel sure we would fail at it. Of course there are plenty of things we just don't like or we think is a waste of time and I can think of plenty that fits into that category. But what I am talking about is saying something other than what is really the issue. I never had the gumption as a kid to say. Man, I stink at this game but I will play anyway so I can get better. Nope, it was easier to not admit the real issue. I was not a born softball player !
Now I am just going to say, "I want to be good at Softball, play the game and thats that".
Practice this law of attraction thing even down to the small things in life.
So if you are knocking something, decide why you are knocking it, and don't talk bad about something because you feel you can't do it, you may just find you are cutting yourself off from something you can learn to do in time and enjoy it.
Even hanging laundry up in the cold weather : )