A Gorgeous Day

I walked this morning, but purposely left the camera at home, so that my time could be spent in quiet meditation rather than have my eyes darting here and there for a good shot.
When I got back from my walk, it was time to wander around our land, see the earliest signs of spring. Tiny buds on the trees, showing life once again, awakened after a long deep winters sleep.
Grass, green and each blade heavy with the life giving moisture from the winter rains. Even Solomon, was feeling spring like today, his wings flapping as if he could lift his heavy body off the ground and soar. A wish perhaps, maybe more of a dream. Poor old rooster, so old now, yet the warm bright day has given him some sense of what he used to be like. You can see it in the way he was strutting around this morning.
The table linens from last night, washed and hung on the line, flapping and blowing like sails on some great ship. It seems I am full of dreams and imagination on this day too. When I was walking today, I passed a small field, my nose catching the slightest scent of sweet grass. I lingered, breathing deeper, inhaling that delightful smell. Its one of my favorite smells. I can remember being a child and driving past some great field in the country, newly mowed, all sweet grass. I have in my adult life, purchased many sweet grass braids, sniffing them intently, recapturing that long ago moment in time of passing by that newly mowed field. Scent is a powerful thing, its so tied with memories and strong emotions.
I am off to Tai Chi this afternoon. My mood has been greatly lifted with the absence of that nasty noxious carbon monoxide gone. Of course the blue sky and the warm temperatures help some too.
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that was wonderful.
what a great day you had and the shots of the laundry and chickens were awesome.
Im envious, its cold, dark, and snowy here!