Feeling Amazed and Feeling Wonderment

I wondered if I could be that free, free enough not to worry about such things. Grass stains are after all, not the end of the world but feeling the soft grass under my feet, well that is a moment worth so much.
At any rate, I found my spot. The grass is so plump with moisture right now and so vibrant. The green like no crayon in even the big box. It reeks of life. The scent, the feel and yes even the taste. I picked a big thick blade, put it between my thumbs and blew on it, that wild crazy sound made me laugh. I was beginning to loosen up and forget about my new socks and if I was getting bugs in my hair. Tuk Tuk came near to me and watched but never came close enough to disturb this experiment in trying to recapture childlike wonder. It was if Tuk Tuk understood my mission.
I tried to prop my camera up to catch a shot of me in this moment of discovery, but it made the whole moment feel staged so got one and called it quits. I got comfy. Looked up at the sky and there it was, that feeling of wonderment, of amazement, of being lost in the moment. Forgetting about time and space and the dishes in the sink. Birds flew over head, landing on near by branches as if I didn't exist. I held my breath as one landed not more than 3 feet from me in the Italian pine tree. I could see his tiny feet, his beak with a bit of seed on it, the definition of his feathers, his black black eyes looking at me. I was amazed, yes, fully amazed.
Even though this moment was magnificent, I still had to fight all those adult feelings of responsibility or perceived responsibility. Today really has nothing pressing me, except me.
I took a total of 15 minutes, fighting to relax and enjoy it the entire time. 15 minutes, that was it. We all have 15 minutes to waste a day, wait, this was not a waste at all. It was magical in the moments I allowed myself to relax and enjoy them. Yes, even a feeling of wonderment entered my brain. A memory. A good memory. Maybe if I practice this a bit, I will be able to spend half an hour amazed at the handiwork of God. Oh, that gave me a thought, a realization....I have no trouble going to a craft or art show for hours, admiring the handiwork of a person, so why not give Gods creation at least that much time and appreciation ?
the afternoon sky
a "smudge" in the clouds
My spot of grass
me laying in the grass
Everyone knew that if you dug a deep enough hole you'd come out in China!
Memory trips and the art of coming home...*sigh*
Rean Day