Bargain shopping, and the Law of Attraction at work

Emery and I were on our way home from our morning walk when we drove past a yard sale just down the street from us. We found some good things, a lamp, some toys, a few books, etc. Good stuff but nothing profound. However, the lady there told us about a big rummage sale at the local elementary school (private) today. We drove down there and all I can say is OH MY, what "finds" we came home with.
My favorite "find" is a Dale of Norway sweater. I have wanted one for years but never could justify the couple hundred dollars for one. I watch eBay all the time for one fits my budget and appeals to me.
I found this one at the sale for $10. The woman told me she wore it once and thought it was too heavy. I was almost jumping up and down when I saw it. Felt like I should grab it and hold it tight so no one would try and take it from me, but no one seemed to even notice it being carried in my arms like a treasure.
This same lady also had two Jones of New York merino wool light jackets, both with wool embroidery on them, $1 each. All my size too. I am a huge long time fan of natural fibers. With the exception of polar fleece, we wear all natural fibers. (my exercise stuff has some spandex in it, but it has to be a small amount or I don't buy it) My children grew up in 100% cotton clothes so you know this has been a long time thing for me. Back to the yard sale stuff...
We came home with walkie talkies, great for hiking, a lap top case, (we don't have a lap top but hope to soon) some tool for Emery which he was happy with, a great polar tech jacket, some animal toys for grandbabies, and a few other small things.
What fun we had shopping and at the same time helping out the 8th grade class earn some money.
I am so delighted with my new sweater and just in time for the snow that is due on Wednesday. Winter will be arriving just in time for Valentines day.
Now all these bargains mean I have to go through the house and get rid of some things we no longer use. The rule is, when something new comes in, something old and unused goes out.
Had to go the shoe store today and get new running shoes. Mine were past due in being replaced. You just can't run in worn out shoes. Emery noticed how bad they were when we walked this morning and so he made sure I got new ones TODAY.
While at the shoe store Emery bought me a pair of Birkenstocks that I was looking at and tried on, so time to chuck out some old shoes to make room for the new.
Love my new running shoes and plan on giving them a work out in a few minutes. All in all, I would say it was a good day in the world of bargain shopping and shoe shopping. We are serious shoe shoppers, not often but they have to be what we call 'healthy shoes". Meaning they are good for your feet and usually not chic looking. Don't own one pair of heels. Not a one.
Still can't get over finding the Dale of Norway sweater ! Just what I have wanted, must be that Law of Attraction thing at work .
The Dale of Norway sweater is actually a lighter blue than what it shows in the picture.
The Universal Law of Attraction is the most powerful force in the universe. It is simple in concept but practice is necessary. But once you "get it", there is no looking back! It will be part of you forever. The simplest definition of this law is "like attracts like." Other definitions include:
You get what you think about, whether wanted or unwanted.
All forms of matter and energy are attracted to that which is of a like vibration.
You are a living magnet.
You get what you put your energy and focus on, whether wanted or unwanted.
Energy attracts like energy
Everything draws to itself that which is like itself.
You really did gr-ea-t!
I am a hunter of "fines" and have been blessed so often to find great ones.
loved the sweater! Looks timeless. I also love bargains too!
On the shoes, my Dr said your walking/running shoes should be replaced every 6 months. (not that I do that!) LOL
Sounds like you had fun!
I try to get two new pairs of running shoes every year. If I like a pair, I get two of them :)
so your Doctors recomendations sound just about right to me.
This time I just got one pair since they are a new brand for me and I am wanting to make sure they hold up good
Oprah will repeat topics when she receives a large volume of responses to any particular show. So if we want to see more Law of Attraction on Oprah (which would be an amazingly positive thing for the planet), then we need to post on her message board to let her know. Here’s the link:!DYNID=DMHZV5U2YKSG1LARAZ2SFEQ
Also, the free International Law of Attraction Teleconferences that were held last week were a big hit, so there will be two more this week. The link for those is
I think it’s safe to say that “The Secret” is out!