A Great Sky

I felt awe and that is not something we often experience, and that is what makes the feeling so special. It isn't an everyday happening.
Yesterday while I was laying in the grass, I saw altocumulus undulatus, cirrocumulus undulatus, and these, which I have named, cirrocumulus ZIGZAGaltus. Sounds like a pretty accurate description to me. I have never seen a zig zag pattern in clouds before.
You can click the picture to see it better.
I am off to run and then work in the garden. Another warm day in store for us today and I am going to take full advantage of it.
Got offered a job yesterday, teaching Tai Chi. Seems like since reading "The Secret", pretty amazing things have been coming my way. Too many to list, but it is really true, what you put out there is what you get back. The law of Attraction is it seems, the law !
Am not taking the job though, but the offer was so flattering and gave me a lot to think about.
I am busy working on my book and planning for the joy of watching baby Mei Ling some of the time.
"What you focus on with your thought and feeling is what you attract into your experience" from, The Secret