Gathering Shepherds Purse

In Maria Treben's books , "Health Through God's Pharmacy" and "Health from God's Garden" she writes quite a bit about Shepherds Purse, also called,
Mothers Heart, Pickpurse, Pickpocket, Lady's Purse, and Rattle Pouches. The official name of the plant is Capsella bursa-pastoris. It grows just about every place in the world. A hardy plant most often regarded by most as a weed.
In Ms Trebens second book she writes...."Shepherds purse is a light green cruciferous plant that grows in beet and potato fields, along country paths, on fallow land, on fresh landfills, and between rocks and stones. Lying flat on the ground directly above the upper end of the long tap root is a rosette of leaves similar to that of a dandelion. The main stem reaches a height between 8 -16 inches or 20-40 cm and from it little heart shaped bursicles (the purses) grow all the way up to the small white blossoms at the stem tips. The entire plant has medicinal properties and should be picked in spring. The autumn plants are susceptible to a fungus infection and should not be used if any is present...."
The plant is well known even from ancient times for its astringent properties. It has the ability to staunch bleeding.
In her first book, Maria Treben writes..
"Shepherds purse tea, 2-3 cups daily is used with great success for all kinds of bleeding, as for example, nose, stomach, intestinal and uterine bleeding. A decoction of Shepherds Purse is most effective for wounds which will not stop bleeding.
2 cups (1 heaped teaspoon per cup) are drunk daily 8-10 days before the onset of menstruation, in cases of excessive menstrual flow.
Shepherds purse is used for both high and low blood pressure. 2 cups of Shepherds purse tea taken daily and stopped when the circulation has become normal.
For limb or muscular atrophy, Shepherds purse, finely chopped, macerated in rye spirits and kept in the sun or near the stove for 10 days, then rubbed well into the skin several times a day. In addition, 4 cups of Lady's Mantel tea is taken internally"
I have to say, we are never without this herb in our home. We have used it over and over for cuts and to stop nose bleeds.
Since this is the time for wildcrafting this herb in our area, I thought I would share about its healing properties. When gathering this herb and any other herb from the wild. Be careful not to gather from the side of a busy road where fumes from cars can affect the plant. Be aware of the surroundings !
By the end of this week I will have many bundles of Shepherds purse hanging up to dry and of course I will have some for making a tincture.
To make an infusion.: 1 heaped teaspoon per 1/4 liter of boiling water, infused for a short time.
Compress: 1 heaped double handful of Shepherds Purse, if possible the fresh herb, is places in a sieve over boiling water. The moist warm herb is put between a cloth and applied.
Tincture: Freshly picked Shepherds purse, the leaves, stems, flowers and seed pods are finely cut and placed loosely into a bottle to the neck, 38%- 40% rye whiskey is poured over it, (the herbs have to be covered) and left in the sun or a warm place for 10 days.
Shepherds Purse gathered today
Your guess about the sudden exhaustion is right. I'm expecting again. Baby #5 will be due in Oct. I haven't said anything on the blog yet since I have a couple of friends who have infertility problems and I'd rather gently tell them first before I make any blog announcements.
I hope Melanie and Pricilla are hanging in there. They looked happy and healthy in the last pictures you posted.
I am thrilled for you. God is blessing you. Are you going to find out if its a girl or a boy ?
Will be praying you have excellent health and stamina the entire pregnancy. A new baby and a new house !