Child like Wonderment

Something I wrote in my last post, the guiltless brownie post, got me to thinking. I mentioned at the end about the way children view life. With wonderment, of the simple things. Eyes wide open and full of hope, even in less than perfect situations they have hope.
I had a really mean teacher in 3rd and 4th grade. She would tie some of the boys to their seats with rope. She yelled a lot. I remember imagining myself flying up to the ceiling of the classroom, over her head, saying to her, "ha ha you can't catch me." It was my hopeful dream of getting beyond the situation. It seems to me, you have the sense of wonder for a long time in childhood....where and why does it end and does it have to ? Certainly the reality of daily living, life experience, fear and element of work has an impact the wonder feeling but just looking outside my window this morning, seeing the clouds, so many kinds in one sky this new day, seems amazing to me. Fills me with that childlike wonder. I could look out the window and say, "oh how pretty" and leave it at that, or be full of childlike wonder and since I thought of those dreams of flying above the classroom, maybe I will imagine myself flying free among those clouds or twirling in the green grass under them. I could even step outside and lay down, no blanket, no worry about getting a chill or getting dirty, but just in a moment of joy, lay there and watch the clouds go by, ever changing, and so full of beauty. I think I will give it a try and let you know what it was like. I won't give it more than a minutes worry about bugs, dirt, can anyone see me, what's the point, I have dishes to do, I have a book to be working on, I have research forms to send out for my book.....nope, not gunna give it a second thought. I am going to lay in the grass and watch the clouds fly by. Let ya know how it feels.
Wonderment isn't just for children, at least it shouldn't be. We live in a world of wonderful beauty, amazing nature all around us, people that are amazing, wonderful friends and family and if you are not surrounded by them, imagine you are, want them to be and you might just get some.


Melissa and Melanie playing on the swings in California


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