The Joy of Children

Not a day passes that I don't thank God for my children. Each one so different, each one so very loving.
Emery and I took seriously our job as parents and give it all we have, of course making some mistakes along the way but not afraid to admit those mistakes to our child and apologize when we have been wrong.
When the girls were tiny we spent hours reading to them, singing with them, playing with them. Every night when Emery got home from work, he took the girls to the park while I made our evening meal. It was always such a delight to hear them come back home, laughing and giggling.
All this was foundation work. Not hardly a day passes that I don't talk to the girls and a couple times a week with Steven. They call just to say hi, see how we are doing and to freely say they love us. Just like we say it to them so easily.
I feel blessed, blessed to have children that are loving, hard working, never got into any trouble and who see that the purpose of life is to give back something to the world.

Melissa and James had a banquet to attend this past weekend. They both look so sharp all dressed up.
We sure are proud of our kiddos, all of them !

Melissa and James at my sisters house at Christmas



Sunny said…
Patty, she is stunning.
Patty said…
thanks Sunny, imagine she will be 27 this year ! Remember when our girls were babies together ?

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