A Stroll Around the Garden

The rain stopped long enough today for me to take the camera on walk with me. The red cabbage is ready to pick, mullein is setting blooms, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, shallots, and broccoli are ready to be picked also. The caterpillars have really taken over the fennel, so not sure there will be any left for us humans.
The ground is so soft that weeding is simply a delight. One slight tug on a weed and up it comes, roots and all. With all the rain, the weeds are growing just as fast and are just as lush as any of the things we planted. Tonight the rain stopped with great hopes that it will stay away long enough for me to get a few loads of wash dried. I am a bit tired of having clothes drying here and there in the house. Even on the drying racks in the house, they take forever to dry since its so humid out.

A red red rose
Soapwort in bloom

Trumpet vine in bloom


Red cabbage


Anonymous said…
I can't believe your tomatoes are ready! Mine haven't even started to bloom here on the east coast!

I was wondering how you handled clothes drying on rainy/cold days - this post answered it!
2 LMZ FARMS said…
The pictures was very beautiful. Loved the one of the baby in the basket. She is really growing. I find comfort coming to your site and reading your post. Just wanted to say thank you for allowing me to visit you and your family.
Have a good one.
Patty said…
Hi Laura, glad you enjoy visiting my blog, just every day stuff but not part of that rushed world
I can't see it too clearly, but it looks like your caterpillar visitors are the same ones we get around here. They will actually become Tiger Swallowtail butterflies. :-)


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