Just a few more pictures... I would share them all, but...

We had such a nice time this evening celebrating Mei-Ling coming home. Steven and Priscilla brought the food and more gifts for the baby. The very things that Melanie and Casi needed but had not been able to get.
It took only a few minutes after walking through the door, until Priscilla had her new little niece in her arms, sitting in the rocker. Made her all the more anxious for their Elizabeth to arrive. Steven thought he would hold off a little bit before he held the baby. She looked awfully newborn to him. Next time he is here he will though.
The Doctors have told Melanie and Casi that they need to keep the baby out of stores and even church for the first year due to her risk of catching pneumonia, which could be very serious for her. And people can only pick her up after they have washed their hands well, and even at that, it should be limited to just a few people.
Grandpa had his turn too at holding wee Miss Mei-Ling. What a good baby she is, sleeps and eats, and has only let out a peep of a cry. Of course no one here would let her cry for more than a second anyway.
Casi and Melanie are both so good with the baby. Gentle and so in love with their tiny miracle.
I decided to let the little one sleep in her pram for an hour or so, she was so snuggled in there that you could hardly see her. Thanks so much everyone for praying for our grand-daughter. All your prayers were answered.
Tomorrow I hope to get a picture of Melanie, Casi and the baby together. Melanie has not felt much like having her picture taken for all of blogland to see since she is still feeling less than 100%
Aunt Priscilla snuggling Mei-Ling
Grandpa with his new pride and joy
Mei-Ling is in the buggy under all those blankets