Evening Calm

The evening sky changed from a sunset of baby colors to the dark blue of night. The wind picked up, as the darkness arrived making the trees dance and sing a tune that only leaves in a tree can make. I walked around a bit, barefoot in the grass. My eyes adjusting to the lack of light. My long skirt catching the dew in the hem. I wanted to check on the duck, one last time to make sure it found its way to its home for the night after its first day of freedom. It had. Quacking in some sort of content duck talk.
The coolness of the night air is welcome. As I walk through the back door, the screen door slams. Another sound we have all grown to appreciate. Its a farm sound. For so many years, that screen door slammed as the girls came in from milking each night. Stainless steel buckets clinking and clanging. The happy voices of children who had finished a chore laughing. I think about those sounds tonight. Grateful for the memory of so many happy times.
The bare wooden floors of the house feel good on my feet. I am grateful for no carpeting. It would be so hard to keep the floors clean if they had carpet and I would miss this good cool feeling tonight.
The curtains dancing in the breeze, lacy wings reaching out towards me. It makes me smile. A simple pleasure.
The colors of the sunset with all its beauty has given way to the warm colors of the lamplight in the house. Golden hues dance on the walls. The wind somehow getting up the lamps chimney and blowing the flame a bit. Flickering light. Our life feels so simple and uncomplicated, so removed from the hustle and bustle of modern day busy-ness.
There are no sounds bumping off my ears other than the sound of the wind in the trees and the steady ticking of the mantle clock that sits on the piano.
The house is quiet tonight. Emery doing a few chores, preparing the grandbaby guest room walls for the new wallpaper that should arrive this week. The room will be red and white. Lots of red work linens and bright red crib bumpers. I love red.
Whenever Emery walks past me he says something sweet to me or leans over to give me a kiss. Its such a comfortable love we share. As though we have never lived apart, but have spent our entire lives together. Love always growing.
I went from living at home with my parents to being married. There was no time on my own, I went from being cared for by my parents to being cared for by my husband. I like that.
The coolness of the night air is welcome. As I walk through the back door, the screen door slams. Another sound we have all grown to appreciate. Its a farm sound. For so many years, that screen door slammed as the girls came in from milking each night. Stainless steel buckets clinking and clanging. The happy voices of children who had finished a chore laughing. I think about those sounds tonight. Grateful for the memory of so many happy times.
The bare wooden floors of the house feel good on my feet. I am grateful for no carpeting. It would be so hard to keep the floors clean if they had carpet and I would miss this good cool feeling tonight.
The curtains dancing in the breeze, lacy wings reaching out towards me. It makes me smile. A simple pleasure.
The colors of the sunset with all its beauty has given way to the warm colors of the lamplight in the house. Golden hues dance on the walls. The wind somehow getting up the lamps chimney and blowing the flame a bit. Flickering light. Our life feels so simple and uncomplicated, so removed from the hustle and bustle of modern day busy-ness.
There are no sounds bumping off my ears other than the sound of the wind in the trees and the steady ticking of the mantle clock that sits on the piano.
The house is quiet tonight. Emery doing a few chores, preparing the grandbaby guest room walls for the new wallpaper that should arrive this week. The room will be red and white. Lots of red work linens and bright red crib bumpers. I love red.
Whenever Emery walks past me he says something sweet to me or leans over to give me a kiss. Its such a comfortable love we share. As though we have never lived apart, but have spent our entire lives together. Love always growing.
I went from living at home with my parents to being married. There was no time on my own, I went from being cared for by my parents to being cared for by my husband. I like that.
I could care for myself, but I have no desire to. There is a difference between being able to do something and having to do something. Tonight, I keep thinking about how tomorrow night, there will be a new family member here with us. A tiny bundle of joy. A new generation to celebrate. How privileged we feel to have the baby with us for a few days. And how happy to know this little one will just be a few houses away when she does go home.
With gratitude and thanks for sharing your life,