A Very Ordinary Day
A bit of Christmas sewing, new stockings needed this year for the family...9 total for Christmas morning. Today I have finished 4 of them. Made of flannel, pattern cut from an old wool stocking that now has a hole in it. I just cut bigger. Made me think about how so often we just rush off to the store to buy a pattern when so often we could just cut up an old garment and use it for a pattern, or do as my grandmother did, just use an old newspaper to make a pattern, working with it until it fit just right.
The sun is sinking in the west as I write this...eggs just gathered, kittens hiding under my skirt as I stopped to take some pictures. When I stood there longer, one kitty, Oscar, decided it might be more fun to climb up my skirt. I was not so amused at this. Little claws are sharp.
Chickens heading to the hen house, one by one they step through the doorway.
More tomatoes ripe. I am getting a basket full each day right now. Ones I had left on the vine when frost was due but never arrived. They are now ripe and full of flavor.
Walking in through the back door, it slams behind me like all country screen doors seem to do. Eggs in my pockets, tomatoes in my hands. Favorite print beside the door, reminding me of how much I love our lifestyle.
It will soon be time to start our evening meal. Something simple but nourishing, a "no need of a cookbook" type meal. Lamps will be lit soon and then the day will take on a slower, quieter feel. I love these very ordinary days.