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Our Own Little World and a recipe Date Nut Squares
Tonight it feels like we live in our own little world, so different from what is shown on television or what is written in modern books. We can hear the clock steadily ticking on the piano. The light in the window, warm and friendly. In the distance we hear the train blowing its horn as it nears the crossing about 2 miles from us. I wonder what it sounds like for those close by the tracks. In Oregon we had one train a day pass by our house, just around 4 p.m every day a lumber train passed by slowly. The engineer always waved to the children and I, even if we were not outside, we could see him wave to us from the living room window. It felt like a moment from days of old each time the train went past. I have always loved trains and it always felt good to see Melissa arrive on the afternoon train for a weekend home from University. While waiting at the old time station we would chat with the elderly man at the station. He would check on the arrival time, talk about the old days. He would have a new shiny flattened penny for me on several occasions. He loved to hand me the bright copper penny that had been placed on the rail to be flattened under the weight of the train as it ran it over. Some days the train would be 4 hours late and one time it was nearly 8 hours late, but still it was fun for Melissa. She could study or sleep, the conductor waking her as soon as the train came close to town. Its only a bit after 9 pm but Emery and I feel ready for bed, with the time change, its dark early, making the night feel long. The fire is dying in the stove, the house still toasty warm. Maybe some reading together and then sleep. It feels like we have our own little world, so filled with peace and I like it that way.
This is a recipe of my Aunt Barbara's. I loved it and a while back I asked her for it. It comes from a cookbook that belonged to her mother. Date Nut squares1 and one half cup pitted sliced dates
l tsp. vanilla
l cup broken pecan meats
3 well beaten eggs
l cup of sugar
l cup flour
one fourth tsp. salt
l tsp. baking powder
Beat eggs with sugar until very thick
Add sifted dry ingredients, beat smooth
Add dates, vanilla and nutmeats. Bake in waxed paper lined 9 by 12 inch pan in moderate oven (350) about 30 minutes
While warm cut in l by 4 inch bars, roll in confectioners sugar
makes 2 dozen
I like going off into my secret worlds :)