As The Sun Fades
I gathered eggs, fed the chickens, and the rest of the critters, pulling my sweater around me, thankful for the warm slip I had put on under my skirt earlier.
With nightfall coming sooner now, I lit the lamps, started a fire in the stove and set the kettle on for some tea. Feeling so grateful for all that I have. Melanie and Mei-Ling left a bit ago, walking down the road to their own sweet home. Thursday, the children will be here for chicken pot pie and Amish oatmeal cake. I always miss Melissa when I write the words, " the children" thinking it should read, "our children in Texas".
In about 10 minutes I will get a call from Emery telling me he will be on his way home. I love that call each day. Knowing in just a few minutes after it, he will pull into the drive, all smiles. I will be at the door to greet him, hair combed. Good smells coming from the kitchen. Soft light and sweet music on this side of the door for him. A haven, a little bit of heaven.
Mmmm...chicken pot pie is one of my favorite meals to make.
It gets dark here by me about 5 p.m. so I get to light my candles much earlier now which of course makes me happy as pie! :)
I have begun playing my much loved Christmas music for the background when my groom returns from work.
Between that and the candles the house takes on a haven all it's own! I can't wait till we have our Christmas stuff up. What an enviroment that will be :)
The Lord bless thee!
Loved hearing about your day!
Just wanted to add-I have been married to my dear husband for 35 years and have never worked outside the home. Our great God has always provided for us in interesting and sometimes amazing ways. I'm am ever thankful of His loving grace and mercy to us!
Blessings to You! Claudia O