T'was the Night Before the Big Adventure....

For the past week I had been planning the "perfect" adventure in stepping back in time. Nice cool weather, vim and vigor the whole package.
However, life had other plans. Nothing bad, a couple things to make this more of a challenge.
I had set my rules up weeks ago. The list was long and I made myself a promise to keep to the rules I had listed and thought of a few more after posting the standards that I set for us.
Last night Emery was sharing with me some of the things his family did on the farm with no running water and for many years no electricity.
They had a large 5 gallon cream can in the kitchen on the counter, it held the water for dishes, washing up etc. They had a 2 1/2 gallon galvanized bucket with a dipper in it for drinking water. Everyone in the family used the same dipper.
So we are setting up a similar set up in our kitchen.
But now for the additional challenges.....Emery came home sick from work. He has a terrible cough and appears to have a miserable cold. I treated him with herbs and compresses on his chest and gave him a big dose of Swedish Bitters. Tomorrow morning he will have some of my home made cough syrup.
We are going to experience someone being sick with no phone, no car, and no Nyquil !
Now for me, nature played a trick on me and to quote the Bible, "the way of woman is upon me". The rule, No paper products. Home made items. Welcome to the real world of the 1870's.
And now, the cooler weather will be replaced with hot weather again. Breakfast will be not too bad, but by late afternoon, a fire in the woodstove will make the house toasty to be sure. No fans to be used either.
And then, as if its such a part of my life that I forgot to think about it, there is the refrigerator..... there weren't any then. So, meals are made in a quantity to be eaten for that meal only, nothing tucked in little zip lock bags and stashed in the refridge. It will be warm milk to drink and melting butter in the butter dish.
A root cellar would be nice, with a spring running through it.
My head is whirling with thoughts of what the days to come will be like.
I am off to bed.... tomorrow promises to be a big day. Weeding in the garden, hauling water, making bread, cooking over a hot fire and then hand work, using the 100 year old reading glasses.
Emery showed me how far he had to go to haul water and its about the distance of 200 ft, with a creek, a gate and a nasty Gander between the house and the water, and the cows of course too.
That is the distance we are going too for our water.
I can't imagine what how tomorrow will unfold. I hope to do some sewing on my dress for Stevens wedding on the treadle machine tomorrow too.
I am looking forward to the silence of the day though.
On a side note here, I had a wonderful day with Pricilla and her mother shopping for the needs of the wedding. We left at 9:30 am and got home around 4:00 pm.. Our station wagon was packed full.
I really like Pricilla's mother, she is a delightful woman.
I hope you have a wonderful big adventure. I'm not doing the adventure persay, but it did inspire me to make much more detailed plans for longer term simplicity, much of which to some might look like going back in time.
As Heller Keller said, "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing" : )
I'm asking because this seems to go on with me a lot and I get so worried about doing the "right" thing. Do you know what I mean? Sorry to throw any kind of mood over it, I just had to ask someone and this seems like a perfect example. I truly hope Emery gets well, quickly, and that God blesses you tremendously.
In the past have made my own womans needs, so not a big deal for me, but I thought I was finished with that aspect of womanhood !
Life happens. We live in a world where people get sick, and thats ok. Not everything is a test to me. Some things just simply happen from the way of the world. However, we show our relationship to God by how we react to whatever comes our way, be it just a manifestation of lifes course or a test.
Living life fully for God, allows us not to worry what kind of test it is. We just live with faith. Simple as that. Doing the best we can to follow His ways for us.
Praying for wisdom and reading His words.