O.K. here it is....... We are going to live two days, I know its not very long...two days living like Frontier house, or Little House on the Prairie. The dates.... September 29 and 30
There shall be......
No electricity
No running water
No plastic stuff
No Microwave
No instant food
No phones, (unless its an emergency)
No driving anyplace
Only cooking on the woodstove
(some folks doing this adventure don't have wood stove nor can they cook outside due to burn bans so will use their stoves but with the temperature settings covered)
Only eating food as it would have been found in the area you live in the 1870's - 1880's
Hauling water from an outside faucet
Bathroom, well depends on if you live in the city or not
Paper products didn't exist, so figure out that one.
No showers
No deodorants, wash up good folks !
No air conditioning, or fans
No washing machines or dish washers
No liquid dish soaps
No shampoos as we know them, soap does work !
You have to dress in period clothing, but you can skip the millions of undergarments.
None of the fancy cosmetics or lotions from modern times.
Wear your hair as much as you can like those times
I know there are more "NO"s but imagine how much you will learn to appreciate all that we have and learn how much we have surrendered of our time to modern living.
The plan is to get as many folks as possible to partake of this adventure, and write about it, keep a journal of your discoveries and take pictures of the things that you are doing. Yes, I know they didn't have digital cameras then, but think of this as a bit of your own personal family history and you would want that documented and if you have a blog, then blog the adventure and we will all compare notes.
I am not sure if its best to have no computer for the two days and blog our adventures on Oct 1 or blog each evening. My first thought is to wait until the 1st as the temptation to check emails and all the other computer stuff would be difficult.
So, who is brave enough to join in ????
Kelli and Revee are planning on the Big Adventure. Just let me know by way of comment or on my chat box if you are wanting to give this a try. Feel free to email me at with questions too.
Be brave, be adventuresome. !
Let the preparations begin .
Judy L.
Can't do it this time as you picked the wrong dates. No way I can live that way at work on Friday, and I can't take the day off as I have a class scheduled. Saturday is Quilt Pink Day and we need our sewing machines to put together the quilt tops as they must be done by the end of the day.
It will be interesting to see how others do. I beg to disagree, however, with your statement about how much time has been surrendered to modern living. There's no way I could have devoted all my weekend to quilting in the past the way I do now. We all have the same 24 hours - it's just that each of us choose to live it in our way. I'm incredibly thankful for the dozens of inventions that make my life easier and allow me to spend so much of my time doing what I love to do.
I think what I meant to refer to is surrendering of family time, of the slower pace evenings, peace and quiet times, no cell phones ringing etc or TV blaring. Family meals, less conversations.
I suspect many will come away from this experiment, grateful for the things they have. Living the pioneer way, is not simple.
I don't know what the DH would do without the telly or radio, or CDs for a week...or what would I do without the PC????? Am I brave enough, would this be more fun when my children are older? What would it tell me about myself?
I'm wavering...aahhh! Even if I don't do it Patty, you've made me think and that's got to be good!lol
However, I mentioned this to my DH over the weekend and his response was "there's a tent in the garage ... be my guest!" So I guess we won't be joining in, but I'm anxious to read the results of everyone else's adventures.
Jackie in ON