To Be Really Tired...

I applied another coat of polyurethane to all the floors in Stevens house this morning, then did food shopping which involves several stores since we eat organic. There is not one single health food store that carries all that I need at any given time.
Went to the bank and post office, put all the food away and felt totally apathetic about most things in life. It was an eye opener for me. Being bone weary makes you care very little about what is going on in the world or even in your own little world. All I wanted was to be left alone, with the music I wanted to listen to, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. Burned some incense and had a huge glass of ice water. This worn out feeling made me wonder if the majority of people walking around, tired from work, stressed to the max and over extended.... feel this way every day.
What a difficult path in life if its true.
I know in time I will be refreshed from having a good nights sleep and a couple of days where I don't do much beyond hike the local trails this weekend or walk around the land a bit.
I have been going non stop for a couple months now and today I felt it.
I have no desire to talk religion, food, life style, knitting, spinning or anything. Just too tired. So is this what life is like for so many running around chasing this elusive American dream ?
The thought of sitting in a Yurt somewhere in the north country with no one around besides my family, sounds appealing to me right now. Living off the land like some old trapper.
Maybe that is the appeal of the "old days" for so many. Trying to run from this feeling of never being able to catch up, get things done, along with being bone weary.
I have worked hard for many years but not been so worn out in ages. It feels uncomfortable to be so stretched mentally and physically.
Carrot juice, and a good nights sleep will take care of much of my weariness and I am glad of that. But what if I had to face years of this running to and fro ?
I believe my life would be just like a million other folks in the world. Too tired to work on relationships, too tired to care about much and certainly no time to think on deep spiritual subjects.
I don't nap, waste of time for me, but today if I had sat in one place for more than 5 minutes, my guess is that my eyes would have shut and a nap would have taken place.
Hiking this week-end and boy am I looking forward to it.
Rest well dear!
We did all that too, homeschooled 17 years, lived without the modern stuff, Irish dance lessons, cooking etc but this running around planning the wedding was just running around getting stuff, that was the hard part. We practically built our home in the last 13 years. tore the entire insides out and built on 4 rooms.
That stuff I can take !