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Homestead Stuff

After mowing and making the pumpkin rolls, I decided to get busy and make my supply of herbal cough syrup for the winter. I set the pot on the stove and simmered some horehound, little bit of licorice, mullein, a bit of mint for flavor. After it simmers down to less than half the amount of liquid, I turn off the heat and add some wild cherry bark. I never like to heat up the cherry bark much, it looses its strength I think.. I strain it, and add honey to it. On occasion I have added a bit of rum or whiskey to it, but this time I didn't. It will get better with age and really helps with coughs. Never had a real recipe for it, just learned how from a friend of mine who was raised Amish. I suppose you could look on line and find something very similar. It feels good to be getting things done for the cold season. We ordered our fire wood today. We have cut lots ourselves this year but still felt we should order some more. We buy just downed wood, dead wood. Burns nice and clean and its not such an impact on the environment.
I was checking out my beeswax supply today and I am really pleased with how it looks and smells. Its great wax and should make nice candles for the winter. Beeswax is just about drippless and burn cleanly. Next month, two blog friends and their children are planning on coming over to dip candles and I am really looking forward to that.Its a comforting feeling knowing we are getting ready for the cold months. Having everything prepared is a good thing.Herbs simmering in the pot10 lbs of Beeswax ready to be dipped and made into candles
PS I love bees and when the children leave home I think I'll take bee keeping up as a hobby (like Sherlock Holmes)!
I will post pictures of candle making, I promise, well Lord willing.