My Hippy Roots are Showing Again !

I know, showing my age here but you all know I am 52 anyway. Its no secret. I love being older, maybe a bit wiser and having those gray hairs showing is not bad at all. Plan to grow that long gray braid. Forget looking Chic, too hard to maintain for me. Tonight, with that music playing, my hippy roots began to show. I lit more incense and washed my hair with Hemp shampoo and thought about making some treats with hemp butter, maybe add a bit of hemp oil.
This hemp stuff is good for you. According to
Benefits of Hemp Seed and its Oil
Hemp seed has been consumed by mankind (and animals) for centuries. Indeed, whole populations have survived off hemp seed in times of famine. In China, at the cinema, you can still buy roasted hemp seeds in the same way as you can buy popcorn in the West.
Hemp has 3 unique nutritional factors. It has an ideal balance of Omega 3 and 6 for sustainable human health, it has a full amino acid spectrum meaning it provides complete protein, and it has a massive trace mineral content - truly one of nature's superfoods.
Consumption of hemp oil and hemp seed is ideal for people with low essential fatty acid intake, and also perfect for athletes. It is of course particularly valuable to the veggie/vegan population, and even more so for veggie/vegan athletes, who are always looking for complete protein sources.
One of the easiest ways of consuming hemp is in smoothies. Just mix a handful of organic hemp seed (whole or de-hulled) with fruit and juice of your choice in a blender. Perfect for children too. Or perhaps make up a little hemp seed milk (see recipe on Hemp page).
Other benefits of hemp seed oil include its effect on the skin and the hair, nourishing both on a cellular level. Hemp oil is easily absorbed by the skin and those EFA's go straight to work!
And of course hemp needs no pesticides or fertilizers, is low maintenance and grows just about anywhere, making it the ideal crop for organic sustainable farming in just about anywhere in the world.
So with a tie dye table cloth, a painting I did in the 70's of Cat Stevens album cover, and some incense burring, I decided to show off my Hemp Seed Collection of goodies.
The other picture is me, sometime around 1970. Leading a meditation.
Oh, tomorrow no rest, I am heading back to Stevens to do some more work on his floor. He had to tear out some other flooring and now wants it to look like what I did !
I will rest on Saturday, maybe......
I was a part of the Jesus People movement that went on in the early 70s. My children tell me that's just being a Jesus Hippy.
I had no idea you could consume hemp!
I've been reading your blog off and on for months now. I hope you don't mind if I link to you from my blogs??