Orange and Me a budding relationship, come this time of the Year

I happened to notice that this predictable "like" has begun in earnest. Notice for instance the color shirts I bought Emery recently. See a theme ?
I suspect that its been this way with me for decades, but its taken me that long to catch on to my own rhythms and embrace them, simply for what they are.Aging is wonderful that way. Think we become more comfortable with who we are, if we can be honest with ourselves that is. I have noticed something as I get older. There are lots of folks running around trying to keep things in their lives a secret, as if no one can see it. Their age, their likes, their own anger, their family stuff, their peculiarities, and their pasts, even though that has made them what they are today. Good or bad pasts.
People are so afraid to share what's real in their lives. Have no idea why. I really don't. Because most of the stuff people try to hide is clearly visible to the rest of the world. If you are 50 and say you are 45, most people are laughing behind your back about it, saying things like, "who is she trying to kid". Same with when your kids mess up and do something not too smart. There is a family we know, funny as all get out, homeschooled for years, pretended to be all together, smartest, most spiritual etc. Phony as all get out, because everyone knew their kids were doing drugs, having a bundle of kids with different women, being wild in oh so many ways. But mom kept writing articles about how to have the perfect Christian homeschool family and would show pictures of her family. Everyone as laughing at the mother, not the kids, everyone knew the story there. But secrets like that are often just things people hide behind rather than face the reality.
Done with that thought for now so
back to this orange thing.....
Of course the decorations for fall have to include that color. I even purchase pumpkin spice color wool to spin and to knit with.
This year it seems to have carried over into my own clothing, with two new shirts being that burnt orange.
By December, this phase will be gone, replaced by homespun natural color with dark blues and deep reds.
The one picture included here, with the pipe and the Mullein in the plastic bag, and yes its just the herb in that baggie, well that picture is to explain something else that happens in the Autumn for me. Well, more accurately this behavior becomes more pronounced in the fall time.
BTW, I wonder what the color orange means ?
Thanks again for all the pumpkin recipe posts.
I bought some orange gingham ribbon the other day and wondered if you like that color gingham this time of year : )