Not What I Expected, this adventure of mine.

Its 11 am and I am realizing I am not as disciplined as thought. An hour till lunch time and the fire has gone down.
Somehow when sweeping the living room rug, I became dissatisfied with the way the furniture was arranged, so with the garden needing tending, dishes still unwashed, I started moving furniture around. There is still wood to bring in too and water to be fetched, but there I was moving chairs and a sofa. Was I a bit bored with this incredibly quiet life ? Perhaps. I noticed how badly I missed the stereo playing. While moving furniture, once again it became evident, we all have way too much stuff in our houses. We hate housework, hate is a strong word, but its safe to say that most of us don't love it, we just do it, or some just don't do it. But by all this shopping and acquiring, along with holding on way too long to things, we make so much more work for ourselves.
Collecting stuff makes so much work. You have to move it, dust it, organize it when it gets out of place, and so on and so on.

By now, the hot temperature of the living room, combined with hard physical work and the lack of deoderant, has created some very noticable body oder. Frankly, I stink ! Off I go to the wash up bowl. Humm, seems I have to use my cloth that I have washed my face with, no problem there, but after I scrub my armpits its not going to be fit to wash my face with again unless I wash it out etc. I need to get more water, again !
Soap and water tames the wild scent but I miss having nothing nice to spray on after. Oh well, this is one time I think Emery will appreciate that he doesn't have a super sensitive scense of smell.

Think lunch will be late today. I am tempted to just skip it, since its just me home alone. Maybe a slice of bread and some butter, melted butter that is. Spreads easy that way !

I never expected this adventure to stir up so many old feelings for me. Maybe they were just under the top soil of my brain, waiting to be stirred into life again, I am not sure. After rearranging the furniture I took a minute to sit and think about life in general. Contemplate where I was and where I am heading perhaps.
Sweeping the rug with the broom, such a simple mundane act, filled me with memories of a time when we lived so "plain" so distinctly different than our extended family, old friends and the general population.
I am glad for the changes we have made since that time. But at the same time, today seems a time to take out old memories, and hold them close and rock in my rocking chair a bit with them.
This adventure, is serving as a reminder of a life we once lived.

In many ways, I expected this to be a time of hard work, and appreciating what we now have, but its part, looking back and seeing the good parts of the life we once lived.


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