Remembering One of the Best Days in my Life

Its a ritual for Emery and I, an old one. Every year since we have been married, come September 22, we take out my daily planner from the year 1978 and read each days entry to match up with the present date. 28 years ago, we had our first encounter on this date. I had a party and invited him. I didn't really like him but he was cute and a friend of mine wanted him to come so I invited him. I had a date that night but strange as it seems the guy that was my date, although young and healthy, ended up not coming to the party but spending that night in the emergency room with chest pains. They never did find anything wrong but kept him over night for observation.
At this party, Emery and I started talking and I found out that the things I didn't like about him, were just my misconceptions. I worked with him at the hospital and thought he was profoundly stuck up, but he was really shy. We never stopped talking after that night and we were married 10 weeks later. He was and still is the man of my dreams. Even after all these years I get butterflies when I see him walk across a room or a parking lot . He tells me its the very same for him.
The man is a saint, no kidding. Married 28 years and never never never has he said one unkind word to me. So today starts our yearly ritual of reading the little daily planner today that has an outline of each date. When we first kissed, where we went on each date, when he told me he loved me, when he asked me to marry him, (two weeks after our first date). Each date remembered as we look back in time, and then after December 8th, I write a bit each day about being a newly wed.
We will go out to eat tonight to celebrate this special occasion. We will gaze into each others eyes and see no one else in the restaurant. We will hold hands and laugh that rather smug laugh that people who share so much can have together. It sort of says, " its our secret".
As soon as I got to the computer desk this morning, there was a sweet note for this gentle-man of mine, telling me he loves me and reminding me we have a date tonight. I will get dressed with care for this date. Wear perfume he loves, and the color blue. We each have the jeans we wore on that fateful night so long ago now. Emery fits into his, but mine are too small. Maybe next year I will wear them. (I have said that the last few years) but they are pretty small, just a little too big for Melissa and she wears a size 2 or something. She did wear them for a few years though.
Each year on this date, more than any other day in the year, I reflect on the fact that clearly there was a master plan in place for Emery and I to meet and spend our lives together.
We are all those clichés, like soul mate, my other half, my better half and all those things said about profound love.

I know we are blessed or lucky, perhaps both !

The little daily planner, ragged around the edges after 28 years, our jeans and the invitation to the party

A close up of the invitation..... lines from Romeo and Juliet Act 1 scene ii (providence I think that I chose such an invitation)

One of our first dates, Concord MA


Marci said…
What a wonderful tradition. It can renew your love each year. Keep on running, you will get in those pants!!!!
Lib said…
Hi Patty,
Hope you all have fun on your Special date. We repeat our vows every 5 yrs. we reflect on the meaning and our Love for each other.

Thanks for sharing your dream. So true "THINGS" doesn't matter in the end!!!!! Simple is always BEST!!!!
Lib McLemore-Joines
JacquiG said…
What a lovely story of how you met! Isn't it funny how love finds us when we least expect it. Happened to me too!

Jackie in ON
Dormouse said…
That is such a lovely story. Some things truly were meant to be. May you have many more happy years together.
sidulrike said…
Thanks for sharing, what a wonderful tradition you 2 have :-D And isn´t it funny how things work out sometimes? Got to be part of some plan:-D
Enjoy your special day!!!
Kelli said…
I enjoyed hearing about how you met! Enjoy your special date tonight.
That's a great story and I love the picture.

Both my children think people looked odd in the 70s. They look at our pictures from that decade and just shake their heads...or laugh.

You all look good to me.

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