More rainy day photos and some thoughts

The bed felt that humid sticky feel, damp skin, damp bedding from the humidity. Hard to roll over feeling. Reminded me of living in Oregon, it was this way a lot there. We always joked that it "breathed rain" on our little mountain top.
I am not complaining about the dampness today, quite the contrary. It feels a bit like liquid gold is drizzling down from heaven.
Its cool too and that is a gift, so welcome.
I put on my red "wellies" and head outside to snap some pictures and see the world in its glorious wetness. The tree bark is darker, the green more vibrant, the ground under my feet softer. My long skirt soaking up the wet like a wick around my ankles. No matter, it will dry or I can change. I feel so thankful for this life of mine, where I can walk in the rain if I want. I don't even have a car to beckon me to stores or places away from home. We have one car, an old one (1991) but Emery keeps it in tip top shape. I can drive him to work if I want it, but I would rather stay put. Contentment reigns.
There is a little fire in the woodstove under the kettle for the mornings first tea. I am reminded it's time to clean the woodstove and give it a good blackening. Another job of autumn I never mind doing.
Picked some figs this morning, will dry them so they will be sweet and moist. This life of mine sometimes feels like a dream. With children all grown and on their own, I have time to think long thoughts without interruption and eat strange breakfasts if I want. Like hot dogs or a tuna sandwich. Its a trade off though. I miss the noisy excited chatter around the table, the sweet childlike voices singing while chores were done and to be honest I miss those little hands that were always willing dusted the furniture for me : ).
Its all very simple stuff on this rainy day. Later I will do some sewing, make some cornbread, sip my tea and dream a bit. Maybe I will spin some too. Oh there is dust all around but rainy days are rare and should be savored, and not missed by doing chores that can be held off and in my opinion, dusting can always be put off. It is my least favorite thing to do.
The smell of wood smoke comes drifting back in through the open windows. The smoke hangs low and circles around the chimney. Tea is ready so time for me to go.
A small fire burning brightly in the woodstove
Kittens curled up in a ball, in the doorway to the workshop
Figs ready to pick
who also lived in Oregon's dampness for awhile...way back when. Rainy days and slugs..oh yes!
Another question: Do you have a grate in the bottom of your woodstove to hold the burning wood, or do you build the fire on the bottom of the stove?
I've often wondered, for those who use a woodstove as their main source of heat, how they clean out the ashes without letting the fire die down.
Hope you have an opportunity to answer these questions. Thanks!
Jackie in ON