Evening Ramble, Peace Flows Like a River

You can sit down in the quiet and think about life when the blue veil of the night sky falls around you. Branches bending in the night breeze, making shadows like black lace on the window screens. We have no more air conditioner. We decided its time to put them away and open the windows. Well that was decided right after the wedding.
I love the windows open, the night sounds give me pause to reflect on the day.
Tonight the moon is bright and hanging like a white Japanese lantern in the sky. Round and luminous.
On to my thoughts for the evening.
I have met through time many people who hold on to ugly emotions. The kind that eats at them and never at the person they are feeling unkind to. These negative thoughts that run over and over through their mind like a skip on a record, hurt them alone. It might be worry, it may be a feeling that an injustice was done against them. It could be a feeling of insecurity or a number of things, but no matter they are all destructive, damaging feelings when held on to and fed for whatever reason.
Maybe its a bit like picking a scab. ...it only scars the one doing it.
The wise words of Dr Phil hold true here, "you can't change what you don't acknowledge" and if you don't own up to holding onto negative thoughts, then you can't let go of them. Christ certainly spoke plenty on forgiving and moving on.
No matter what religion you are, none agree to holding a grudge or angry feelings and there is wisdom in that to be sure.
People have bad childhoods, hard lives and have hurts, but moving on is the only way to get past them and finding that honest inner peace.
I am truly blessed to have had a wonderful childhood and a fantastic adult life. The search for inner peace has been a journey of good things. Not letting things hang around my neck like an albatross has been a lesson learned early.
Peace flows like a river....moving on, not holding on.