28 Years Ago

Today so long ago, we went to Kelly's on Revere Beach for Roast Beef Sandwiches. He talked about his life growing up on the farm and I talked about my dreams to live off the land.
I remember stopping at a used car lot after we had eaten to check out a Mach 1 mustang. He had a 1971 Mach 1 and I had a 1971 302 Boss. The salesman somehow assumed we were married and I was so embarrassed but Emery took it in stride and acted like it was a splendid mistake. I took note of that then, thinking, well that's different and kinda nice.
I remember how impressed I was that he could take me out the day before payday. We got paid every two weeks at the hospital and my money was gone by the end of week one, so this let me know this man could manage money. Another good sign.
We had such a nice time on this real official first date. I had strange shifts at the hospital and the two nights following "the party" he had stayed to eat supper with me in the cafeteria and then hung around to talk with me. I was impressed by that too. 28 years ago, my knight in shining armor came into my life and remembering those first dates and talking about them, keeps our memories alive and we remember all the reasons we fell in love. And now there are so many more reasons for our love, it just keeps getting better. Really it does. We still laugh and giggle, grab kisses as he opens the car door for me, yes after all these years he still opens every door for me, even the car door.
When I look back at the old pictures, its hard for me to see any change in Emery, I know he must have aged some in this great span of time, but I just don't seem to see it. His smile still warms my heart and his hands cause me to gaze at them as though still a silly teenager in love. All the years my children were growing, I had a wish that each one would know this kind of love, so deep and profound. I am pretty sure they all have and what a wonderful foundation for life.
One of our many happy dates
We each enjoyed taking pictures of one another
And we both loved hiking way back then. We were at Bridal Veil Falls, NH
Bill King
"Excuse me officer, the girls are just getting out for the..."
I get a laugh every time I think of it.
I would love to go back to the falls, not so sure I would be brave enough to slid down the rocks now though.
We sure had fun in those early camping days !