Evening Ramble

As I was sitting in the restaurant, listening to the chatter all around me, it seemed as if I was there to observe what was around me. A truly strange feeling. One I was not very comfortable with. It seemed as though I was not a part of the place but just looking on in some odd way. The peoples faces seemed worn out to me. Overworked, stressed and full of the burden of trying hard to reach the all American dream. Weary men, still in work uniforms, somewhat slouched in their chairs, wives next to them, dressed in work clothes, some in medical scrubs, others in office clothes, but all had that same tired look of no time on their hands. The children seemed, disconnected, no real conversation with the parents. It felt so sad, so hopeless. Overworked people, stretched to their limits. Big cars all parked outside, all with big monthly payments I am sure. Fancy sneakers on the children's feet and the latest styles. The ladies seemed to all have many rings on their fingers and I wondered why. it was a common thread there. Rings on several fingers. Was it some symbol of success ? I hadn't a clue. Maybe they watch QVC and can't pass up the deals. Maybe it showed some level of monetary success to those around them. To me it seemed like just something to take more money out of their wallets. I have never watched those buying shows on TV, but they sure seem to hook people. Maybe a bit like the old traveling salesman that had you buy things you never imagined you would.
I kept watching the people come and go, all seemed to be heavy stepped. As though the weight of the world on their shoulders made their steps difficult and like a burden. No one seemed full of hope and radiant in the joy of life.
This all American dream seems a bit over-rated if it takes your life and gives so little benefit in return. In the end, will that big car, that big house that stole your time and energy, will it really matter ?
Working for things, things we have all come to believe we NEED to have has robbed us of family life, of apple pies cooling on the window sill, of evenings spent singing on the porch, or playing dominos on the carpet. We think we need so much, but we really don't.
I can't help but wonder if all these people wanted less of the material world, the big screen TV's the latest gadget, the electronic games for their children, etc,maybe they could really live then. If going without some things, the stuff kind of thing, well maybe the world would be a gentler place, a kinder place.
So many people admire the olden days and say things like, "well back then things were better", but make very little effort to hold fast to the ethics and goals from those days.
Little family farms with chickens and milk cows make folks long for the simple life. But so few are willing to make that their life.
Tending gardens, doing chores, hanging clothes, baking for the family, the things that make people have a simple life can be had by just about anyone willing to make the sacrifice of letting needs and wants be well understood and distinguished from one another.
The rat race is the right name for a life of weary folks that accumulate stuff. I thought people were smarter than rats !
I am so grateful that I've made the decision to try and slow down and simply enjoy life. And it's so worth it!
Jackie in ON
This all American dream seems a bit over-rated if it takes your life and gives so little benefit in return. In the end, will that big car, that big house that stole your time and energy, will it really matter ?
Made me think of the book "Your Money or Your Life". If more people recognized the concept of things costing more than just money, but your life energy it took to earn that money, perhaps they might think differently.
Jackie in ON
In it, one of them said, "People call it the good 'ole days, but it wasn't all good. They forget it was hard."
But, what I thought of afterwards was that they were enjoying today's conveniences BUT they had not added all those big and popular possesions to their lives like so many families do today. They were known here for their quilting, and not having a t.v. and still being active in church and community when someone needed help. They had a hard life in the good 'ole days but they kept the "good" part and improved their lives with what is good about today. The did not replace one thing for another unless it was better. They didn't have a microwave and still kept a full garden and canned their foods.
I got tickled at them admitting their grandfather had a moonshine steel when they were very young. They had forgotten at first and then laughed when it was brought up and those memories came back.