Having So Much Fun !

There has not been a time in my adult life when I have not been extremely fond of exercise.
And the more I work out, the more hyper I become. I have never been one to sit still for
very long anyway.
Going to the cinema is my idea of nothing simply because you have to sit for so long.
I can count the times I have been to the movies on
one hand in my adult life.
With my new commitment to loose this weight, exercising has become more focused and certainly
more disciplined for me. Now first off I must confess, that in the nearly two years I have had my treadmill
there have been more days it was used than not used. So exercising is not a hard thing for me, its
almost addictive for me. The more I do, the more I want to do. But I keep it in balance, working out no more than one hour a day, except for backpacking trips.
Sunday we hiked for 3 hours with heavy packs on. Monday I ran, Tuesday I ran and did aerobics,
yesterday I did the treadmill for nearly an hour, weights for 15 minutes and aerobics for another 15 minutes.
Working out is not my problem in life, putting too much in my mouth is... so simple.
However, going to W.W. this time means a lot to me. I want success more than I want food.
Since going to the meeting Tuesday, I have not gone off the plan. Not once. In honesty my self control
feels like a new hat, its going to take some getting used to, but I like it.
Even went shopping to Goodwill and didn't spend a single dime.
Think what I will do is take a picture each week at weight watchers of that little card of mine that shows
what I lost and share it with you folks, some additional accountability for me.
Life is so amazingly exciting, each new day we have the opportunity to steer our own course. We are the
ones in control of the rudder. Bad things can happen, I am not looking at life through rose colored glasses,
but even at that, we have the choice, the ability to choose how we react, how we go in the face of hardship.
I am finally ready to face myself and stop looking for simple, no change required, methods of loosing weight.
If you are fat, you eat too much. You can have a slow metabolism etc but still the fact remains you eat too much for
your own body.
Got myself a new toy last night. This bumpy, bright yellow shiatsu body ball. I have visions of looking a bit like
a beached whale laying on it and attempting to do crunches. But I will put on The Rolling Stones, Forty Licks,
(thanks Melissa for the CD, and for holding up your phone for me to hear him live when you went to their concert, two generations
of fans in one family)
think of Mick Jagger, at his age, jumping and running all over the stage and think to myself, " I can do that too".
Get that treadmill going and get energized.
On a side note, my blood pressure, no longer high, off all meds now for some time. Thanks to herbs at first and dietary
changes and walking. Well, yesterday, after all that time on the treadmill, it was pretty good.
Off to take Pricilla and her mother to Sams to shop for wedding reception supplies. I am wearing jeans !
A big thing for me to do in the face of who I will be with. I am moving away from the hang ups from a life
we used to live.
The new Yellow thing
A view of the treadmill, almost done !
And the result of changing my life style, normal blood pressure, taken right after walking on the treadmill