Whats New on the Home Front

Cantaloupe growing, sunflowers unfolding and baby cardinals hatching from blue green eggs speckled with brown. Those are some of the things I found this afternoon when walking around our land. Things that did not exist before I left on my trip.
Amazing what change there is in just two weeks time.
Cana's bursting forth is sun drenched yellows and oranges. Trumpet vines reaching higher and higher. Seed clusters spreading out on the dill and fennel plants. Eggplants hanging like huge dark purple drops of paint from each plant.
The grass so green before I left, now burnt and crispy under my feet. Leaves falling from the old cottonwood tree, signs of the trees old age. Each leaf that falls to the ground serve as reminders that its way too soon for their golden yellow and light brown hues.
My steps follow the familiar paths, some worn by my own frequent steps, others from years of goats heading to the barns. The sound of the wind blowing through the trees sounds refreshing. I look up to watch the leaves dance and the branches bend and bow. The metal roof of the chicken house, lifts in the wind and slams down, making me laugh softly thinking about how many years we have said, "we need to fix that." Some day we will get to it. No rush.
Time to head back to the house, my daily wandering has come to its end.
One last look up to the now blue sky reminds me that both rain and sunshine are gifts.
I am sure everyone was pretty sick of me requesting it way back when.
I do remember some girls (who shall remain nameless) in housekeeping who sang it rather loudly while using the stairs in the west building. It carried well there. : )