Getting Ready for The Wedding

There is also another wonderful aspect to a wedding, it makes you get things done around the house in preparation !
Today I am putting a fresh new coat of polyurethane on our floors. Somewhere around 10 years ago we put in new floors in our house. The old hardwood floors had been covered by carpet which we tore up. I don't like carpet, its not healthy. Allergies have grown to outrageous proportions in this country since the advent of wall to wall carpeting. Anyway, we had to put down plywood flooring to make this old house safe again as the hardwood floors were a mess. Not knowing what we wanted to do for flooring since we couldn't afford hardwood, I decided to just stain the plywood and put polyurethane over the stain so I could wash the floor.
It came out so nice. Looks fantastic, people love it and its certainly durable. Several friends have done the same thing with their floors. But it needed new polyurethane put down. Today was the day, warm but not blistering heat so the windows could all be open.
Fleetwood Mac and Santana are keeping me energized and half the living room is done. Its looking pretty nice.
I have been painting furniture at the same time and have new cans of paint waiting to transform a couple rooms. Wallpaper for the NEW guest room has not yet been chosen. Such fun getting it all done.
With all the company we will be having, it will be nice to have the house looking new.
On a side note to the wedding plans, the invitations are now made up.
Here is what we chose for the wording on the invitation, followed by the names etc. I wish you could all come and join us for this wonderful celebration. Thanks so much to all who have signed their on line guest book. They were so excited to see so many people wishing them well.
By the end of the week I should have the wedding outfits started.
“They are not said to be husband and wife
who merely sit together.
Rather they alone are called husband and wife,
who have one soul in two bodies.”
Little night stand for the new guest room
The Floor