More Wedding Plans

Today we ordered Melanie's wedding jewelry. Its rather elaborate but she will be one to carry it off. She has her nose pierced so will be wearing a red stone in her nose on that day too.
Melanie has loved India since she was a little child and it comes as no surprise that she would have a wedding with Indian dress and customs. It also works well for Casimir's family.
Before I met Emery, I was engaged to a man in India and have in my cedar chest, my Indian wedding dress that was never worn. Just before Jacob was to come to the states, I met Emery and I knew he was the truest love in my life and broke off my engagement to Jacob.
When the girls were small they loved taking out the red sari and trying it on and feeling the wonderful silk.
We even eat Indian food more than any other kind of food and the girls were raised listening to Ravi Shankar.
Our neighbors in California were from India too so its just been a culture we have been around a lot.
The wedding invitation list keeps growing. Both Melanie and Casimir have so many friends and lots of family too.
Its now a sure bet that I will be doing lots of cooking when the date draws near.
If you want to see a good Bollywood movie with an old theme, rent Bride and Prejudice. Its a great movie with the same theme as Pride and Prejudice but its full of Indian dance, music and lots of beautiful clothing. Its a family friendly movie, no kissing even.
I have the floors 2/3 done. Will finish tomorrow.
First picture is of the headpiece
next is of the necklace
then the earrings
Being Indian myself, it feels very nice indeed to read about your relationship with India and things Indian.
I've really enjoyed you thoughts on simplicity. Before moving here, I had moved nearly every year of my life until we settled in VA and stayed in one house for nearly 6 years. It was mind boggling to see how much stuff had accumulated in that time.
I love cultural weddings.
A friend of mine had an African wedding, and it was so colorful and nice.
I've never seen pictures of an Indian wedding, though. Maybe I'll google that now.
I'm having fun planning, I just have to meet someone now.
Best wishes to you.