I Didn't Forget Fathers Day

But, its a good picture all the same subject wise. Emery is with all 4 of our children. I have more up to date pictures of all of them, but somehow this one reflects a time when all the children were home and we were all so busy on our little farm. Maybe I like this picture tonight because I am feeling the reality of my soon to be empty nest, or maybe it was seeing the place where Scott lives with his biological parents and knowing his life is not going in the right direction and seeing this picture reminds me of a time when we all had hope for him. I will always have some hope for him as miracles do happen, but just one look at his myspace site makes it hard to have more than a few grains of hope.
I would link his myspace blog so you could see it for yourself, but its so dark and blasphemous that I don't have the heart to post it. Maybe if everyone prayed for him, his heart could be softened. A deeply troubled child, growing into a hurt and angry troubled young man.
In watching Emery today, open presents and cards from the children, I thought a lot him as a father. His ways so kind and loving. It would be easy for a child to understand the love that God has for them, by watching their dad. He is patient, full of love, gentle but firm in conviction. Generous, hard working and steady. He loves God and his family and each word and deed of his shows this.
Our children are indeed blessed by Emery's example.
Happy Fathers Day, Gentle man !