I'm Leavin' on A Jet Plane

Just a few hours now before I get on a jet plane and head east. All packed, all comfy clothes, decided that comfort is my personal "look". You are looking at a picture of me as a kid. I was always having fun. Just like now, life was exciting and always filled with adventure. A walk down the street is an adventure to me so getting on a plane is a grand event. I love to fly. Been listening to the music from Top Gun, getting me all revved up for that moment of take off when you feel the plane tipping up to the sky. I love take off !
I will be blogging along the way. Plenty of pictures will be taken you can be sure.
My one piece of luggage is a duffle bag, I pack light. It has a quote from Lin Yutang written on it. One that makes me laugh.
"A good traveler is one who does not know where he is going to, and a perfect traveler does not know where he came from."
Grace & Peace