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Massachusetts Finest

I'm the friendly sort, plain and simple. I like to meet new folks and today was a banner day for that. On my way out of the Shushi restaurant I saw two Massachusetts State Troopers. Their highly polished boots caught my eye. These guys looked like they came out of a book for the perfect police officer. Their uniforms were perfect in every way. So I ventured over to chat with them and find out if they would let me take their picture. Let me tell you, Massachusetts State Troopers are really nice. We chatted for some time, me telling them about the Texas police and sharing that my dad was a police officer. These Troopers were more than kind to let me take their pictures and put them on my blog. In all seriousness, these are the folks we should be proud of. They keep us safe and are helpful when we are in need. I have nothing but the highest respect for the men and women in law enforcement. Next time you see a police officer, think about all they do for your community.
These guys really were good examples of the fine folks that risk their lives daily for all of us.
Glad you're having a good reunion with everyone and getting to visit all your childhood haunts. Sometimes you CAN go home again.
Judy L.