"My Cup Overflows...with the Comfort of God's Love"

Every once in a while you come across a book that speaks to you in a special way. One of my Goodwill finds last week was the book "My Cup Overflows....with the Comfort of God's Love" by Emilie Barnes. I have long been a fan of hers. Many many years ago when we lived in Southern California I went to see her speak on More Hours in My Day. What a delight she was. Anyway, I thought when I picked up this book it would make a nice gift for someone if they were going through a hard time or something as that's what its about. Dealing with hard times. Today I sat down and read ever single word of the book. What a treat. Refreshing, enlightening, and certainly a book to encourage anyone.
If you get a chance to read this book, please do.
One paragraph, (really two so you know what its about) that just really touched me was this....
"And now more than ever, I understand why it sometimes seems to take so long for God to accomplish his work in us.
He Doesn't have to do things the long way ! God is God and if he wants to zap us with a lightening bolt, he can. He could change our circumstances with the blink of an eye. But I think God is a lot more interested in changing hearts than he is in changing circumstances. And changing a stubborn human heart takes time, even for a sovereign Lord."
There is the perfect answer for all of us who wish God would move a little faster when we ask for something.
She writes candidly about her need to control her environment and be so organized. Just an excellent book. Its going to stay on my bookshelf as a keeper.
It gives me courage to keep praying for Scott, year after year
If you have read this book, please share what you thought about it too.
Grateful for so many things tonight....
Answered prayers
Golden sunlight streaming into the windows
Fluffy kittens
Children I am so proud of
A cooler evening
Books found at Goodwill
The quote is interesting...and thought-provoking...and makes a lot of sense.
Its really a good book.