The new doctor could find NOTHING wrong. He didn't trust what he saw since it was so amazing, so he had Melanie injected with dye and took many many x-rays. NO BLEEDING, NO DAMAGE. There was no sign of a major or even a minor hemorrhage. Very minor retinopathy but nothing to cause a problem.
So yesterday there was a major hemorrhage and today there was nothing ! No sign of anything !
Plain and simple...prayers were answered. The Doctor today told her that as long as she keeps good control of her diabetes, the very minor retinopathy would not get worse. There is no explanation for the spot she was seeing. There is no explanation other than a miracle for the change in the results of the examinations.
Just a miracle... plain and simple. We are all speechless and very thankful to a wonderful God
Thank you so much for all the prayers that went up for Melanie. They were heard indeed !