Winter is Back

What a strange day, it was 85 degrees F (29.4 C) this afternoon. I had all the windows and doors open. Tomorrow the low will be in the 20's F (about -2 C) and we are under winter storm advisory for ice until Sunday.
In late afternoon I could see the cold front coming. The clouds changed and the wind came up, strong from the North.
My husband brought in lots of wood and kindling for the wood stove. We have a little wooden pail next to the stove that we keep filled with little sticks, tiny branches that have fallen or we have cut just for the purpose of getting a fire going quickly. We then have a bag of small logs that we put on the fire after the kindling gets going. I certainly appreciate my husbands hard work in getting all the right wood for starting the stove quickly in the mornings. It will be cold in the morning.
Right now I hear the wind blowing outside, the trees are bending and bowing as if in some formal court dance.
We went out tonight to Whole Foods and did our food shopping, its wise to be prepared if there is going to be ice. Not too many Texans know how to drive in anything frozen. Its best to stay off the roads. The table in the kitchen was full of the goodies we bought. Local honey, fresh baguette, muesli bread for breakfast, nuts, dried fruits, whole yogurt, cheeses and fresh fruits and vegetables. We did buy a treat, raspberry yogurt covered pretzels. 4 for Emery and 2 for me. They are small, maybe 2 inches long but you only need one or two to get the taste. Not 20 ! We do not buy large quantities of sweets. Makes it too tempting and you want to eat more than you need. As I was typing the wind was so strong I thought it was going to blow the roof off the house. Even my daughter came out of her room to ask if we heard that.
With only the sound of the mantle clock ticking away the minutes and the water running in the fish tank, you notice sounds very keenly like the wind outside. I am thankful that my husband has built the walls of our house so strong. He has rebuilt every outside wall of this old house and each addition we have built on was done just like a Amish barn rising. All the men from the community coming over for a work day, while I cooked all day to feed them. Each new room built by skilled hands of hard working plain men. We would have cars stop and park to watch this "room raising". Mennonite men and boys working hard all day long.
We feel so blessed. This evenings entry is indeed a ramble, sentences running into new paragraphs. Different subjects popping up all over the place and the wind blowing its way into the entry here and there. I think its time for me to climb the two steps up into my feather bed, and pull up the mountain of covers and snuggle down for a nights sleep. Tonight the curtain will stay open in one of my windows so I can fall asleep watching the trees dancing and the clouds flying by with speeds that make you feel dizzy. I will feel quite content and cozy in my warm bed.