Mothers Praying

I was listening to a tape today, Precious Memories by the Swanton Youth Group and there is a song on the tape called "Thank you Mama for Praying for Me"
I haven't been able to find the lyrics on line so I sat for a bit with remote in my hand listening carefully and writing the words down. What a message . Each one of us here needs to be this kind of mama !
Each day I write down the prayer needs I see or am asked to pray about in this prayer journal. From the day my children were born and before really, I have prayed for them and prayed that God would be preparing them a godly spouse. Let there always be a prayer on our lips for our children and grandchildren.
If you are interested in getting a copy of this Mennonite Accapella cassette GVS may still carry it. here are the lyrics....
Somebody somewhere was praying last night
when Jesus came in and I saw the light.
It must have been Mama. I heard her before as she knelt by her bedside, her tears touched the floor.
Thank you Mama for praying for me. If you had not prayed, then where would I be ?
They called you old fashioned but you loved the Lord and your prayer touched the Master as your tears touched the floor.
She held to the alter and wouldn't give in till she knew all her children had been born again.
Just an old fashioned Mama but she loved the Lord and your prayer touched the master as your tears touched the floor.
Thank you mama for praying for me. If you had not prayed then where would I be ?
They called you old fashioned but you loved the Lord and your prayer touched the Master as your tears touched the floor.