Love of Knitting

My mother was a very accomplished knitter. It seems to me I cannot remember her ever sitting down without knitting needles in her hands when I was a child. She made my sister and I each one of these knitted coats and matching hats. My mothers sister made my cousin one too, only hers was with dark green yarn where ours was navy blue. My mother made my sisters out of wool but mine was made out of some blend that could be washed. Not sure if that means I was a more messy child than sister or what. My coat got passed on to another cousin and never returned. My sister gave me her coat last year so I can pass it on to my grandchildren some day.
My mother taught me how to knit early on and there are so many good memories of me sitting beside her learning how to do a new stitch. I do remember though that she cast on my stitches for many years, since she did it so much better than me. Every time I cast on stitches I remember so well, handing her my yarn and needles when I started a project as a child.
Here are pictures of the coat she made my sister. Its a real work of art. From my mother, I have been given a gift. The love of knitting. Its been fun seeing a rebirth in the United States of knitting, due in part to that eyelash yarn and interest in sock making.