Soon to Arrive in the soil near you !

Soon to arrive just about place where grass grows will be the humble dandelion. Many people spray for this tiny "misplaced flower", my term for just any weed, but this plant is full of goodness. The greens make good eating, provided no one applied any chemicals to the earth they grow in, or they are subjected to exhaust fumes from automobiles.
The flowers make a delightful treat if breaded and fried like battered mushrooms. Also with the flowers you can make a dainty syrup that is wonderful on pancakes and French toast. My children can all remember years of me sending them out gathering big dandelion heads for making syrup with.
So before you think about mowing these dainties down or spraying for them. Take a second look and see them as a treat.
Here is my recipe for Dandelion Syrup. Oh its so good !
4 double fisted handfuls of dandelion flowers
Juice from 1/2 lemon
1 quart cold water
2 lbs. sugar
Place the flowers in the water and bring to a slow boil.
Let boil about a minute then cool overnight.
The next day, strain and push out the excess water.
Discard the blooms and save the dandelion water.
Mix this water with the lemon and sugar and simmer until most of the water has evaporated.
Do not bring to a hard boil.
Let the mixture cool, then simmer again until thick like maple syrup.
I have used the greens in salads but have never made the syrup but I will this year! Thanks for the recipe.
Judy L.