Indulge Me !

I am afraid you will just have to bear with me while I experience this Spring Fever thing. Soon enough I will be back to simple living and such, but for now, my thoughts are in lofty places. No doubt my movie choices of late are feeding this Fever .
My grandmother was a bit of a prissy woman. No, that's not right, there was no "bit" to it, she was prissy. She loved gloves and hats. Big hats. And she wore them and could carry them off. She was very well bred and knew her part in life.
When she passed away, I kept several pairs of her gloves but not her hats. However, from her I developed a love of hats too. I wear these accessories to church. Oh yes I do. Velvet hats with rhinestone pins. Large brimmed summer hats too. Fortunately for me, the church is a bit on the prissy side and no one thinks a thing of my flare for the dramatic.
Through the years, people have given me hats and I have purchased hats for weddings etc. As much as a part of my special outfits as the shoes ! Same for the gloves. When I see in a thrift store or such a pair of wonderful gloves, I buy them as long as they are a good deal. I am still searching for that perfect pair of Black and white gloves and then I will consider my collection complete. So, here are two pictures of my "accessories". Have no fear, in time I will be back to normal and talking about how to live simply and without complication in this busy world. I do maintain though, that simple living does not mean living "uncivilized". We ladies still need our girlie things !
I did look on eBay last night for a wide brimmed orange hat to go with that tiny little Italian dress, then I remembered, I would NEVER wear something that skimpy and regained my composure and looked at fabric instead.
Tonight's supper: boiled fingering potatoes with garlic and parmesan cheese, grilled asparagus, and steak smothered in onions and mushrooms. For dessert, Godiva dark Belgian chocolate ice cream.
Champagne !
Music: Bonjour France CD
Weather: Sunny and 53
I am very well acquainted with Godiva stuff - my husband is Belgian and chocolate is one of the things I appreciate most about that country...
I'm blogging again -- a fresh start . . . . .