Big Surprise At My Door Tonight

Tonight there was a knock on my door. We were surprised to see my daughters friend there. The roads are all so icy and she lives at least 40 miles from us. We welcomed her and then a bit later there was another knock at the door. I opened the door to find my oldest daughter who lives in Vermont. She surprised us by coming to see us for a week during her vacation. She kept it a secret from us. My daughters friend had picked her up at the airport and then made Melissa stay outside for a bit to make the surprise bigger.
I can't stop smiling. Its been over a year since we have had any time with Melissa. She came for a couple hours in September but that hardly counts.
In the picture my daughter Melanie is on the left, in the middle their friend Sloan and then on the right my oldest daughter Melissa.
I am one happy mother tonight !
Have a lot of fun with your family this week!