Waiting for Grandpa to Come Home

A certain little girl named Mei-Ling was awfully anxious for her Grandpa to get home tonight !


Dana and Daisy said…
how precious! she just lights up the room with her smile!
Marci said…
What a treat for him to see as he comes up the walk!!!
lany-me said…
She's such a sweetie!

I'm glad she's doing well.
Iowa Gal said…
Such a precious sight for Emery to come home to. Little girls and their grandpas. There is a special bond there. Are your window sills really wide. I wish mine were. Then I could set something on it and not have it fall off.
Patty said…
Hi Iowa Gal, they are very wide, Emery made them to my specifications : )
Renee said…
She is just such a cutie! So glad she's feeling better.

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