Happy New Years

There was a bit of a celebration....we stayed up until midnight and we toasted in the new year with my favorite champagne.


HI. I found your blog while I was looking up making Bayberry candles and I enjoyed it so much I just kept reading. My favorite was the craft parts. I've been trying to convince my family to simplify just a little (at first anyway ;). I do have a few questions I hope you can answer. How many bayberry bushes must I strip to get enough berries because I plan to grow the bushes myself. It is much harder to find the things to make soap because I dont even think there are any butcher shops besides the ones inside the grocery store. If you can help I would be glad for it.

Oh and I love your picture of the spinning wheel. I always thought I should have been born in earlier times.
Dawn said…
Happy New Year to you and Emery!!!! Make sure you tell him I said that...lol. :-P

I was in Grandview today for prayer meeting / Bible study and didn't get home till 10 p.m.
Was trying to catch up on my million e-mails and then noticed it was 11:57 p.m. so I ran over and told Robert to turn on a channel to wear the ball will drop. Watched it till it dropped then came back in to finish e-mailing. :)
I always get teary eyed when the ball drops..don't know why.

2009 is going to be awesome! I just know it!

Blessings to you!
Dana and Daisy said…
well, you stayed up longer than we did! we made it till 11:00. I could have stayed up a wee bit longer, but Steve couldn't.
Anna said…
Wishing you and your family a healthy and prosperous New Year!

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