One Happy Couple

Last night our son Steven took my husband and I out for Mexican food and it happened to be his first "date" with Pricilla. She is delightful. Very quiet which is pretty typical of Mennonite girls. We had a good time at the restaurant and then they came over to the house for the evening.
Steven had called me about 5 pm to suggest going out to eat around 6:30 and after coming over to the house. I had been busy working in the garden and not working in the house. So I made a quick sweep of the house. Did a bit of dusting, tidied the kitchen and bath and took the option to close the door to my sewing room !
Now I had to decide what to wear. Here's the tough part. I wanted to dress like the new me, but also wanted to dress so that Steven would be happy as this is the first time Pricilla has really met us. I didn't want to dress Mennonite just to please them, so I wore a long skirt, shirt and cotton knit jacket. No headcovering. It seemed pretty brave of me to not cave in and dress Mennonite for such a momentous occastion.
We had a delightful evening and we both like her so much. I believe she will be like another daughter to us in no time at all.
These pictures were taken of the two of them on a trip to Tennessee and Alabama this past week. Steven went with her and her family to a family wedding.
The other couple in the one picture is Pricilla's sister and the young man she is courting.
Its so much fun seeing all my children grown and joyfully in love
COngratulations on getting to share the first wonderful !
Thank you for sharing the photos...