
I like the look of having things balanced. Photos with the subject in the middle. Quilts with balance, with the exception of "Wild Thing", there was no balance there at all !
But in my house you will find horizontal surfaces with a center focus point with items to balance that on the ends. Its just how I like to see things look.
In my own personal life, balance is as elusive as fairy wings. I try so hard to maintain a middle of the road stance but its just not me. The pendulum of my soul swings far and wide. No, I am not bipolar. Its more of a philosophical swing. Thinking swing !
I guess the roads some of us take and the journeys we go on often have more than one road to get us to the destination. My sweet husband is steady as can be. Oh how I love that about him. He is content to stick to the path he is on. Not me, I have to go bushwhacking my way to see what's behind each and every turn. I hike this way. Just yesterday I went off the path, pushing my way through the dense undergrowth to see the raging water I could hear. Got myself on a slippery slope and needed a hand to get back ! One year for my birthday, my oldest daughter gave me a machete. She knew my habits of seeking things in the jungles of life and hiking trails.
Emery tells me all my questioning of life is because I "think too much". I do spend hours thinking about life and if this is true or that it true. If this is right or that is more right. I go to bed and have to tell myself its time to shut off my brain.
I suspect one could say I like all this balance in the house in my decorating to compensate for my fluctuations in philosophical thought
You can probably figure that my greatest hardship comes in the religion section of trying to figure out life. I just wonder over and over what God requires. I am just not sure and no one can answer this for me but me.
At times I wonder if my mother and grandmother ever had such issues. It seems to me they just accepted the road they were on. My children, bless them, hear me talk often about all of my life's questionings. I always figured that by the time I was 50, life would be all figured out in my eyes and that there would be this wonderful feeling of being "settled" but I am beyond the 50 mark and I still wonder about the way to go. Are there shades of gray to life or is it all in black and white ? Ahhhh, that is the question. Balance, love the looks of it but sure seem to hate the middle of any trail.
Just thinking out loud this morning.
This morning I am thankful for ...
the sun is out, the house is not cold. My daughter cooking in the kitchen, my husband called already to say he loves me, and for so much energy after being without sugar for so many days. And of course I am thankful for our simple life
I prefer the road less taken, tend to be a perimeter person, more of an observer than a prticipant..well, you get the idea. Always the questioning of what and where and why....
Special hugs for the journey you are on, Finn
My mother continued to question, search, read and investigate until the day she died at 84. She loved spending time talking to college students because they were always questioning and looking for new ideas. She felt her peers in her semi-assisted living facility might as well already be dead as they'd log ago stopped learning and growing. In my mind the day we stop learning and growing is the day we do die. I always feel like an onion - peeling back my layers looking for the quiet center within that tells me who I really am. I'm getting closer than I was many years ago, but there are countless layers yet to investigate. Life is a continually evolving adventure!
Good luck in finding your path.