Amazing Spring

Each new day as I step outside, more wondrous things appear. The sky looks different. The air smells different, the wind carries some almost magical with it that is distinctly spring like and it feels different on your face, this unseen spring ingredient is more invigorating to the soul than say the winds of fall and winter.
The earth is abounding with new life. Greens are everywhere. Little touches of color mixed in to excite the eye. Birds are busy building nests and seem to show some form of anticipation with their quick moves and little songs.
This time of year should inspire us to seek some level of rebirth. In our commitments, in our outlook, in our actions, in the areas of our lives that have become stale and sedate over the winter months.
For me I have made a huge commitment to eat better. Not just a little bit better but altogether ! I have also committed to understanding my relationship with other people on this planet and what is my calling to reach out. This is a wonderful time of the year to sit outside and meditate and pray. To deepen our spiritual roots and then to stretch and grow in how we reach out to other people. So many of the new plants I see springing forth are meant to nourish either birds, animals or people. We need to extend ourselves. Take all we have learned and share it, for free, with joy as our personal mission to not stay static in a world that is full of people in need. The neighbor who is busy, the nursing home so full of lonely souls, the young mother next door. We are so afraid to intrude, but a gentle hand, reaching out is never too much. I am preaching to myself here. My children grown, so many hours a day to spend the way I want, so many people with simple needs. I am not talking about monetary needs, there are those of course but writing a check or putting $10 in the offering plate is so easy, no touch, no words, no tenderness needed.
Families are fragmented. So many young mothers raising families without the wisdom of a mom and grandmother at hand. It reminds me a bit about the children who learn the facts of life from their school buddies, mostly they never get all the facts. There are lots of young people out there teaching each other about raising a family. Not always a good plan. They are reading books, listening to friends but not getting wisdom with love from an experienced person. "Sages" are a thing in the past for this country. What a loss !
It seems this spring morning has set me to thinking about moving beyond myself and reaching out. Now if I will put this to action and move beyond the word stage.
Think I will head out for a long run and think more about this. Clear my head of all the fears and "what ifs". I recommend a good long walk for each day. I love to run but that is not a love shared by many. Its a bit like flying while still on the ground.
Spring, a time to move toward being what we were meant to be.
Pictures today are from around the place...
Juniper berries scattered on the ground
Annike's baby jumping for joy
dandelion setting seedsMustang grapes appear to be being born
I really like what Jeanne does each blog entry with Gratitude so I am copying her here.
For the many songs of a mocking bird
For warm floors and bare feet
For that wild new fabric with colors that delight me
For wisteria, with the delicate scent and the beauty of the flower
For blogging and digital cameras
For being 51 and having some gray hair
music today....Enya beans and brown rice burritos in whole wheat tortillas topped with avocado and fresh salsa and Blueberry smoothies to drink.
Clothes of the day....cotton yoga pants, Tee shirt and bare feet.