Garden Goodness

It seems as though Spring is back on the scene. It was a glorious day. Sunny and clear. Not hot, not cold.
A gentle breeze blowing . Perfect for gardening so I spent the afternoon planting flowers out front. Yellow gladiolas and some additional lavender plants.
The veggie garden is in full swing. Had fun picking asparagus, spinach and baby greens this morning while the dew was still on them. The tomatoes did well in the frosty temps but the new basil bit the dust.
Will replant tomorrow after our hiking trip.
Not sure where we will end up tomorrow but I am sure it will be a good vigorous hike. Packing a pretty typical picnic lunch for us. Actually if you ask my children they will tell you we have had the same hiking lunch for over 20 years ( I think we varied some though over time) Whole wheat tortillas spread with cashew butter and sprinkled liberally with thin banana slices and raisins and rolled up tight. Its good fuel when you are hiking and easy to eat. We usually have some mission figs and maybe some nuts along too.
Water to drink, an apple for a snack and we are set for a big part of the day.
My husband is out back turning the rich brown soil with a spade in one of the yet to be planted raised beds. He does the whole garden that way. Prefers the exercise to using a gas eating tiller.
The clothes are waiting to be pulled in off the line so time for me to race the sun and bring them in before the darkness arrives.